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Leasing Commercial Property in Florida

在佛罗里达州,租赁商业地产是任何小企业成功的重要组成部分. 在租赁协议中, 有一些限制, 义务, and rights regarding the use 和维护 of 房地产. Making sure the terms and conditions favor you is critical. 你需要确保你签订的租赁协议类型正确,你的利益和权利得到妥善处理和保护.

At The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.答:竞技宝体育竞猜在迈阿密戴德的商业房地产律师了解商业租赁的复杂性. 从寻找合适的房产到协商租赁协议,再到最后敲定, 竞技宝体育竞猜会在你身边, providing critical insight and legal representation. 今日透过电邮联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 安排免费电话咨询,了解更多关于在佛罗里达州为您的小企业租赁商业物业的信息.

Types of Commercial Leases for Small Businesses in Florida

商业租赁是由商业承租人(“出租人”)和业主(“承租人”)签订的合同。, who is often the owner of 房地产. 租约概述了双方的责任和期望,并规定了租约生效的日期. 

There are different types of commercial small business leases. The following are some of the most common.


Net leases take a myriad of different forms, 但基本前提是出租人支付一定数额的租金,并负责支付所有水电费, 保险, 和维护. These leases are generally less expensive than full-service leases, 但每月的租金可能有所不同,不像全方位服务租赁那样是固定的. 


在一个全方位服务的租赁中, the lessor pays a certain amount of rent, 业主有责任支付该物业的一切费用, 包括维修, 维护, 税, 保险, 和公用事业. 


按百分比租赁, the lessor and the lessee work together to ensure the business is profitable, 由于租金由基本金额加上企业总收入的百分比组成. 这意味着出租人在确保承租人获得成功所需的帮助方面有直接的利益. 


  1. 适合需要. Before renting a space for your business, you need to make sure the space you are renting is suited for your needs. Does it offer adequate parking? 有足够的存储空间吗??
  2. 谁在改进. It is important to be clear who is responsible when improvements, 比如绘画, 需要完成. 
  3. 保险责任范围. 即使承租人携带保险,你也需要携带你自己的保险. 找一个在这方面有知识的保险代理人将帮助你确保你和你的小企业免受责任和其他租赁相关问题的保护. 

还有其他需要考虑的问题,包括如果任何一方需要解除租约会发生什么. As your small business attorney in 迈阿密-Dade, we will advise you accordingly on all these things as we draft, 审查, and 谈判 commercial property leases on your behalf. 竞技宝体育竞猜也可以为保险公司提供建议,为您和您的小企业提供巨大的利益.


If you are considering renting out space for a small business, there are certain matters that you should take under consideration. 

  • 所需租赁的类型. 最好是熟悉不同类型的小型商业租赁,并确定哪种最适合你的情况.
  • 租金需要. 最好研究一下你所在地区类似的租金. 
  • 保险: No matter the type of lease you have, 它应该列出你对这栋建筑的保险责任. Check with your 保险 provider to make sure you cover all your bases. 

还有其他需要考虑的问题,包括如果任何一方需要解除租约会发生什么. As your commercial real estate attorney, we have experience in all these issues and can help identify, 谈判, 并敲定条款,以帮助您管理和租赁您在佛罗里达州的商业地产.

Elements of a Leasing Agreement in Florida

租赁中使用的术语根据租赁的具体类型和财产所在的司法管辖区而有所不同. Even so, there are some elements that are common to all. 

  • All leases should address the rent amount and what is included in that amount, as well as when the rent may increase
  • Leases should clarify the term for which they are effective, 以及如果双方打算或不打算续签租约,双方需要给对方多少通知
  • Leases should also address whether or not subletting is allowed, 如果是这样的话, any rules or restrictions
  • 每份租约都应该包含对财产的详细描述,以防双方在是否属于财产的问题上意见不一致时出现问题, such as a side parking lot, 包括在租约里吗


Common Disputes Arising Out of Commercial Leases in Florida

Unfortunately, disputes in commercial leases are not uncommon. 导致替代性争议解决或诉讼的一些最常见问题包括:

  • Failure by the lessor to pay rent in full when due
  • Disagreement over who is responsible for repairs
  • Either party terminating the lease
  • Eviction of a tenant that refuses to vacate 房地产

No matter what issues arise, 最好从商业房地产诉讼律师那里寻求建议,他可以建议你以最好的方式进行.  

What Can a 商业地产 Attorney Do For You?

与住宅租赁不同, commercial real estate leases are not one-size-fits-all; they are very specific to the industry, 房地产, and the lease negotiations. 例如, 写字楼的租金不像大多数住宅租赁那样,简单地由面积决定,而是在很大程度上取决于物业的使用方式. Another example involves 维护, i.e., 在住宅租赁方面, 在商业租赁期间,业主仍然负责大部分的维护工作, negotiations determine responsibilities. 


  • 获得与意向书准确一致的商业租约——后者是一份详细的文件,列出了每月的租金, 租赁期限, 终止条款, 面积, 和更多的
  • Clarifying 维护 responsibilities as to things like security, 停车场维护, 照明, 电, 和更多的
  • 协商公平合理的终止条款,以防业务失败或租户需要提前解除租约 
  • 起草, 注销, 审查ing leases to ensure they are not lopsided in favor of the landlord, and this includes all things related to leasing 房地产, like responsibilities for utilities, 维护成本, 税, 还有保证金

这里要记住的重要一点是:商业地产租赁是可以协商的, 如果谈判顺利的话, they can save you a lot in terms of time, 钱, 和压力. The landlord may draft the initial lease agreement, but you have the right to 谈判 the terms and conditions. 在这些谈判中代表你利益的法律顾问是你获得公平和有利可图的租赁协议的最佳途径, which will ultimately benefit your small business.

Contact a Real Estate Attorney in 迈阿密-Dade Today

如果您对迈阿密戴德的商业租赁协议有疑问或担忧, let our commercial lease lawyer at The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.A:帮助你。. 呼叫 305-672-7495 或填写竞技宝体育竞猜的在线联系表格,安排一个免费的电话咨询,让您的小企业开始在正确的脚与良好的谈判和有利的商业租赁.


竞技宝体育竞猜服务的客户遍及佛罗里达州,包括以下地区:迈阿密戴德县,包括阿文图拉, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
