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Construction Disputes Attorney in Florida

在佛罗里达州,几乎没有一个建筑项目不引起争议的. Disagreements are one thing, but when those disagreements pose a risk to the project itself, it's another thing entirely. Thousands if not millions of dollars could be at stake. 延误、成本增加以及相关各方声誉受损也面临风险. 

At The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.A,竞技宝体育竞猜在迈阿密戴德的建筑律师处理所有涉及建筑的法律事务. 竞技宝体育竞猜帮助竞技宝体育竞猜的客户了解不同类型的建筑纠纷,以便, together, we can first help prevent them from occurring, and if they do occur, we will ensure the dispute is resolved quickly and fairly. Contact us at 305-672-7495 today to schedule a Free Phone Consultation. 

Types of Construction Disputes in Florida

Whether it is a multi-million-dollar commercial project, a public project, a home-building project, or a home remodeling project, disputes can happen. When they do, you want to be prepared. 以下是您可能会想到的常见建筑纠纷类型的概述.

Bid Protests

投标抗议指的是对授予建筑合同的质疑, 一方指控不公平做法或违反采购法的情形. Common reasons for bid protests include:

  • Allegations of bid rigging
  • Favoritism
  • Errors in the bidding process

Construction Defect Disputes

施工缺陷纠纷是指对施工质量或工程用料存在争议. Examples include:

  • Building code violations
  • Water intrusion or mold issues
  • Structural issues
  • Defective or faulty workmanship
  • Use of substandard materials

Contractual Disputes

合同纠纷发生在当事人对施工合同的条款和条件不一致的情况下. 这些分歧涉及条款的措辞, the implementation of the terms, the interpretation of the implementation of the terms, and more. Examples include:

  • Breach of contract
  • Non-payment or delayed payment
  • Scope changes or project delays
  • Disputes over warranty or guarantee provisions

Design and Planning Disputes

当业主之间存在分歧时,通常会出现设计和规划纠纷, architect, 承包商对建筑工程的设计和规划. Examples include:

  • 对项目规格、图纸和蓝图有分歧
  • Design errors or omissions
  • Changes in design or scope of work
  • Disputes over project timelines and deadlines

Environmental Disputes

环境纠纷是指对建设项目对环境的影响产生意见分歧. Examples include:

  • Wetlands or habitat destruction
  • Water pollution or contamination
  • Air pollution or emissions
  • Noise pollution

Insurance Claims

Disputes over coverage and compensation for losses, damages, or liabilities are common construction disputes. Insurance claims, all of which are often challenged, include claims based on property damage, injuries, or other incidents covered by insurance policies.

Payment Disputes

Payment disputes are common in construction projects, 特别是当工作出现延误或问题时. 这些纠纷可能发生在承包商、分包商和供应商之间. Examples include:

  • Non-payment or delayed payment
  • Disagreements over the amount owed
  • Disputes over change orders or extra work
  • Lien claims or bond claims

Professional Negligence

对建筑师提供的专业服务中的错误或遗漏的指控, engineers, 或者其他专业设计人员会引起严重的施工纠纷,导致诉讼. 对专业疏忽的常见指控包括设计缺陷, miscalculations, or failure to meet industry standards.

Regulatory Compliance Disputes

冲突可能源于对地方、州或联邦法规的违反. Examples include:

  • Failure to obtain necessary permits
  • Non-compliance with environmental regulations
  • Violations of safety standards

Scheduling Disputes

当施工进度出现延误或变更时,通常会出现进度争议. These disputes arise for many reasons, and examples include:

  • Changes in project scope or design
  • 对提议的变更的必要性、成本或对项目时间表的影响存在分歧
  • Disputes over the allocation of resources
  • Contractor or subcontractor performance issues
  • Delays due to weather conditions, unforeseen site conditions, changes in project scope, or issues with permits and approvals

Surety Bond Claims

当对履约或付款保函提出索赔时,纠纷经常发生. 通常在这些情况下,承包商未能履行其合同义务. Common causes for surety bond claims include:

  • Contractor default
  • Non-payment of subcontractors
  • Failure to complete the project

Termination Disputes

Conflicts arising from the termination of contracts, either for cause or without cause, happen from time to time. 当合同被违反时,可能会出现与终止有关的施工纠纷, a party has failed to perform, or mere disagreements between parties.

Legal Options to Address Construction Disputes in Florida

许多建筑纠纷很快就解决了,没有任何干预, but other disputes require legal assistance. To resolve the dispute, you may want to try direct negotiations, mediation, arbitration, or litigation. 

Direct negotiations are the cheapest option with the most immediate impact. Often, direct negotiations are initially attempted, and if successful, the construction project can move ahead. 如果不成功,至少双方知道问题是什么,他们可以继续前进.

Mediation involves an impartial intermediary. 双方自愿同意在调解员的协助下会面并解决分歧. 这个过程不涉及证词或证据,但可能与诉讼同时进行. 作为诉讼程序的一部分,许多法院在提起诉讼后会要求调解. Either way, whether you enter into mediation via a lawsuit, 重要的是要有一个律师作为你的辩护人,并在整个过程中为你提供建议.

Arbitration is common in construction disputes. Many contracts require arbitration. 这个过程类似于审判,但通常更便宜、更快, though the latter is not always the case. At least one arbitrator hears and decides the case. Typically, the decision is permanent and unappealable.

Litigation involves filing a complaint in state or federal court, and if not settled prior to trial, the case will go to trial. The decision of the court can be presented for appellate review.

Potential Construction Dispute Remedies

在佛罗里达州,解决建筑纠纷至少有一种补救措施. 这一补救措施有望全面解决问题. 它可能有助于澄清误解,或者可能使受伤害的一方处于更好的地位. 采用货币补偿和具体履行对施工纠纷进行救济.

Monetary compensation, if awarded, covers the damages suffered by the party. 损害的类型取决于你是承包商还是业主. Contractors often suffer damages related to delays, disruption, inefficiencies, losses of productivity, and the costs to hire new workers. Owners suffer damages related to defective construction, incomplete work, delays, and liquidated damages.

Sometimes monetary compensation is not enough. 法院可以命令当事人履行义务,即 specific performance. Though this remedy is not used as much, 在合同的主体是唯一的情况下,这是很常见的, 需要独特的技能,而且不容易被取代或找到), or the true value of damages is difficult to calculate.

请记住,建筑纠纷可能是复杂而微妙的. 根据您的争议的独特事实和情况,可以考虑其他补救措施. 这就是为什么最好与建筑律师交谈,以确保您正确地证明您的案件并获得正确的补救措施.

Contact a Construction Lawyer in Miami-Dade Today

建筑纠纷可能代价高昂,耗时,并对相关各方造成损害. 了解不同类型的建筑纠纷可以帮助防止它们的发生,并确保它们得到迅速和公平的解决. 重要的是要有一个清晰和详细的施工合同,并与项目各方有效沟通,以避免纠纷. 

At The Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.首先,竞技宝体育竞猜在佛罗里达的建筑律师会为你的权利辩护,并为你提供相应的建议. Fill out the online form or contact us at 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free Phone Consultation.

Areas we Serve in Florida

竞技宝体育竞猜服务的客户遍及佛罗里达州,包括以下地区:迈阿密戴德县,包括阿文图拉, Miami, Coral Gables, Doral, Hialeah, Homestead, Kendall, Key Biscayne, Miami Beach, Miami Lakes, North Miami, Tamiami, Westchester, and North Miami Beach; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Cooper City, Coral Springs, Hallandale Beach, Oakland Park, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
